Here is the source code for the navigation menu. The code relies on a portion of the pathname to identify the appropriate menu. This works for a small site such as this but would be replaced with a more structure scheme in a more complex environment. Timers are used to attempt "intelligent" decision-making about when to activate the menus.
The source presented here is modified slightly from the actual code both for content and formatting in this window.

// version 2001110600	change menu name stub code - uses pathname instead 
//			   of hostname et al in order to get around various 
//			   implementations showing or not showing port port 
//			   numbers when and when not port=80 
//			add delay of menu display - nowshow() called from showmenu
//			mydiv and obj now GLOBAL for nowshow() from showmenu()
//			protect hidemenus() if currmenu is NOT set (i.e. mouseout 
//			   before it ever gets set)

var rootdir	= "d.holmes/";	// top level of URL - used to trim pathname 
				//    to get menu name stub in whatmenu()
				// NOTE that using pathname instead of hostname 
				//    etc. gets around the various interpretations 
				//    of whether port appears in host and/or is 
				//    ever null etc.
				// NOTE2 that MSIE drops leading / while NS does not
var showdelay	= 70;		// delay to ignore transients (mouseover-mouseout)
var hidedelay	= 1500;		// delay until hide after mouseout
var timeout	= 7000;		// timeout if no activity after initial top link
				//    mouseover
var mx		= -1;		// set for each menu
var my		= -1;		// set once by first menu called
var menuholdID			// timer until menu re-hidden
var currmenu	= "x";		// currently displayed menu; "x" => none visible
var mydiv

// used for initial test IE vs NS
// additional tests check specific functionality 
var whoami = navigator.userAgent + '';
var obj;

function hold() {

function drop() {
	menuholdID = setTimeout("hidemenus()", hidedelay);

function hidemenus() {


	if (currmenu != "x") {
		if (!document.all && document.getElementById) {	// NS6
			myobj = "div" + currmenu;
			obj = document.getElementById(myobj); = "hidden";
		} else if (whoami.indexOf('MSIE')==-1) {
			obj = eval("document.div"+currmenu);	// current drop menu
			obj.visibility = 'hidden';
		} else {
			obj = eval("document.all.div"+currmenu+".style");
			obj.visibility = 'hidden';
	currmenu = "x";	// mark currmenu as "all hidden"

function showmenu(event,mythis) {


	var a      = mythis.pathname.indexOf(rootdir) + rootdir.length;
	var b      = a + 4;		// right index for substring cut
	mydiv = mythis.pathname.substring(a,b);
					// just the path with or without leading '/'
					// used to id the menu DIVs (home is 
					// special-cased) for example:  home phot 
					// port art2 hard

	if (mydiv == "") { mydiv = "home"; }

		mx = -1;
		my = -1;

	if (mydiv != currmenu) {
		if (!document.all && document.getElementById) {		// NS6
		   mx = event.pageX - 20;
		   mx = ((mx < 10) ? 10 : mx);
		   if (my == -1) {		// once "my" is set use it for both
		   	my = ((event.pageY < 20) ? 20 : event.pageY);

		   myobj = "div" + mydiv;
		   obj = document.getElementById(myobj); = mx;  = my + 10 ;
		   menuholdID = setTimeout("nowshow()", showdelay);

		} else if (whoami.indexOf('MSIE')==-1) {
		   mx = event.pageX - 20;
		   mx = ((mx < 10) ? 10 : mx);
		   if (my == -1) {		// once "my" is set use it for both
		   	my = ((event.pageY < 20) ? 20 : event.pageY);

		   obj = eval("document.div"+mydiv);
		   obj.pageX = mx;
		   obj.pageY = my + 10 ;
		   menuholdID = setTimeout("nowshow()", showdelay);

		} else {
		   mx = window.event.clientX - 20;
		   mx = ((mx < 10) ? 10 : mx);
		   if (my == -1) {		// once "my" is set use it for both
		   	my = ((window.event.clientY < 20) ? 20 : window.event.clientY);

		   obj = eval("document.all.div"+mydiv+".style");
		   obj.pixelLeft = mx;
		   obj.pixelTop  = my + 10 ;
		   menuholdID = setTimeout("nowshow()", showdelay);

		} // NS or IE

	} // mydiv != currmenu
} // showmenu

function nowshow() {
	if (!document.all && document.getElementById) {			// NS6 = 'visible';
	} else {
		obj.visibility = 'visible';
	if (currmenu != "x") {
		if (!document.all && document.getElementById) {		// NS6
			myobj = "div" + currmenu
			obj = document.getElementById(myobj); = 'hidden';
		} else if (whoami.indexOf('MSIE')==-1) {
			obj.visibility = 'visible';
			obj = eval("document.div"+currmenu);
			obj.visibility = 'hidden';
		} else {
			obj.visibility = 'visible';
			obj = eval("document.all.div"+currmenu+".style");
			obj.visibility = 'hidden';
	currmenu = mydiv;
	// default timeout on drop menus if there's no movement/change
	menuholdID = setTimeout("hidemenus()", timeout); 

function makeMenus() {		// writes HTML for menu DIVs
                                // remember to update CSS as well

document.write	(' <DIV id="divhome"> \
<TABLE CELLPADDING=6 class="menutbl"> \
<TR><TD> \
<A class="menulink" onMouseOver="hold();" onMouseOut="drop();" \
  HREF="/one/top_one.html" TARGET="_top">top one</A><BR> \
<A class="menulink" onMouseOver="hold();" onMouseOut="drop();" \
  HREF="/two/top_two.html" TARGET="_top">top two</A><BR> \
<A class="menulink" onMouseOver="hold();" onMouseOut="drop();" \
  HREF="/one/top_three.html" TARGET="_top">top three</A><BR> \
</TD></TR></TABLE> \
</DIV> \
<DIV id="divphot"> \
<TABLE CELLPADDING=6 class="menutbl"> \
<TR><TD> \
<A class="menulink" onMouseOver="hold();" onMouseOut="drop();" \
  HREF="/aaa/second_one.html" TARGET="_top">second one</A><BR> \
<A class="menulink" onMouseOver="hold();" onMouseOut="drop();" \
  HREF="/bbb/second_two.html" TARGET="_top">second two</A><BR> \
</TD></TR></TABLE> \
</DIV> \